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杜邦特氟龙涂料首页 > 案例展示 > 杜邦特氟龙涂料铁氟龙涂层加工工艺过程
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时间 : 2018-09-20 16:52 浏览量 : 40




1、预烘烤基材 - 涂布过程的第一步是预烘烤基材。这样可以去除油脂,使涂层可以正确粘合,并且涂层没有差异。除非基材彻底清洁,否则大多数涂料不会粘附。预烘烤可以使下一步彻底有效。

2、喷砂处理 - 下一步是用氧化铝喷砂处理基板。这有助于通过去除水垢,腐蚀,生锈和先前的涂层来制备用于涂覆的基材。它使表面粗糙并扩大,使涂层有更多的空间可以正确粘附。氧化铝是喷砂的标准,因为它比许多普通介质更硬,并且会切割大多数硬质的先前涂层,使最硬的金属粗糙化。

3、在含氟聚合物上喷涂 - 在对基材进行喷砂处理后,然后喷涂所需的含氟聚合物。传统的手动喷涂方法用于确保每次都是完美的涂层。

4、固化基材 - 在施加所需的含氟聚合物之后,下一步是固化基材。每种含氟聚合物涂层都有自己的固化规格。事实上,固化步骤是关于将哪种类型的涂层施加到任何给定基材上的主要考虑因素。基材必须能够承受特定涂层的固化温度。固化温度可高达800°F。

5、质量控制 - 在基材固化后,检查其是否有缺陷。我们保证为所有客户提供高质量的产品,因此检测过程是整个涂层工艺的重要方面。这确保了我们的客户每次都很开心。

6、包装和运输 - 涂装过程完成后,我们将其包装起来并运回给客户,以便他们重新投入生产。

DuPont Teflon Coating Process

The coating process for covering items with Teflon® or another fluoropolymer coating is very specific. Everything must be done exactly in order for the coat to function properly. Coating Solutions thoroughly inspects each item during the coating process to ensure that every step is done accordingly. This guarantees our customers satisfaction.

Below is a step by step of the coating process, regardless of the specific coat being applied.

  1. Prebake Substrate – The first step in the coating process is prebaking the substrate. This removes the oils so that the coating may stick properly and there are no discrepancies in the coat. Unless the substrate is thoroughly clean, most coatings will not adhere. Prebaking allows for the next step to be thoroughly effective.

  2. Grit Blasting – The next step is grit blasting the substrate with aluminum oxide. This helps prepare the substrate for coating by removing scales, corrosion, rust, and previous coatings. And it roughens up and enlarges the surface so that the coating will have more room to adhere properly. Aluminum oxide is the standard for grit blasting as it is harder than many common media and will cut through most hard previous coatings roughen up the hardest metals.

  3. Spray on Fluoropolymer – After the substrate has been grit blasted, it is then sprayed with the desired fluoropolymer. The conventional, manual spray method is used to ensure a perfect coat every time.

  4. Cure Substrate – After the desired fluoropolymer has been applied, the next step is to cure the substrate. Each fluoropolymer coating has its own specifications regarding curing. In fact, the curing step is a primary consideration as to which type of coat is applied to any given substrate. The substrate must be able to withstand the curing temperature for the specific coat. Curing temperatures can be as high as 800°F.

  5. Quality Control – Following the curing of the substrate, it is then inspected for defects. We guarantee high quality for all of our customers, so the inspection process is a crucial aspect to the entire coating process. This ensures that our customers are happy every time.

  6. Package & Ship – When the coating process is complete, we package it up and ship it back to the customer so that they can get back to production.

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