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时间 : 2018-10-23 09:13 浏览量 : 37 -
科慕杜邦特氟龙涂料总览Chemour DuPont Teflon Product Overview
自从杜邦化学家Roy Plunkett于1938年发现以来,Teflon™工业涂料已经被广泛的应用所接受。 通过扩大基础技术,特富龙™工业涂料继续提高当今高科技应用的功能品质。 铁氟龙™工业涂料有各种液体和粉末形式。 这些涂料的多功能性使其几乎可以无限应用于各种零件和配置 - 总是能够增加远远超出固有不粘涂层质量的价值。 有几个氟聚合物涂料家族提供。 在每个产品系列中,都有许多特富龙™产品为您提供最适合您特定应用的工业涂层。 以下是可用的基本含氟聚合物涂层技术的总体概述。
Since their discovery in 1938 by DuPont chemist Roy Plunkett, Teflon™ industrial coatings have gained acceptance in a wide variety of applications. By expanding the basic technology, Teflon™ industrial coatings continue to enhance the functional qualities in today's high tech applications. Teflon™ industrial coatings are available in a full range of liquid and powder forms. The versatility of these coatings allow for almost unlimited application to a wide variety of parts and configurations – always adding value that goes far beyond the inherent nonstick coating qualities.There are several families of fluoropolymer coatings offered.Within each product family, there are a number of Teflon™ products to provide you with the best industrial coating for your particular application. Below is a general overview of the basic fluoropolymer coating technologies available.
Teflon™ PTFE Coatings
PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) nonstick coatings are two-coat (primer/topcoat) systems. These products have the highest operating temperature of any fluoropolymer (260°C/500°F), an extremely low coefficient of friction, good abrasion resistance, and good chemical resistance. Teflon™ PTFE is available only in water-based liquid form.Teflon™
850G-314 - PTFE Liquid Primer / One Coat (2 Part) - Green Teflon™
850G-321 - PTFE Liquid Primer / One Coat (2 Part) - Grey Teflon™
850G-204 - PTFE Liquid Primer / One Coat (Premixed) - Green Teflon™
851G-214 - PTFE Liquid Topcoat - Green Teflon™
851G-221 - PTFE Liquid Topcoat - Grey Teflon™
851G-224 - PTFE High Build Liquid Topcoat - Green Teflon™
851G-255 - PTFE High Build Liquid Topcoat - Black Teflon™
852G-201 - PTFE Liquid Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
852G-202 - PTFE High Build Liquid Topcoat - Clear
铁氟龙PTFE涂层PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)不粘涂料是双涂层(底漆/面漆)体系。 这些产品具有任何含氟聚合物(260°C / 500°F)的最高操作温度,极低的摩擦系数,良好的耐磨性和良好的耐化学性。 Teflon™PTFE仅适用于水基液体形式。铁氟龙™850G-314 - PTFE液体底漆/一次涂层(2部分) - 绿色铁氟龙™850G-321 - PTFE液体底漆/一次涂层(2部分) - 灰色铁氟龙™850G-204 - PTFE液体底漆/一次涂层(预混) - 绿色铁氟龙™851G-214 - PTFE液体面漆 - 绿色铁氟龙™851G-221 - PTFE液体面漆 - 灰色Teflon™851G-224 - PTFE厚涂液体面漆 - 绿色铁氟龙™851G-255 - PTFE厚涂液体面漆 - 黑色铁氟龙™852G-201 - PTFE液体面漆 - 透明铁氟龙™852G-202 - PTFE高效液体面漆 - 透明Teflon™ FEP Coatings
FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene copolymer) nonstick coatings melt and flow during baking to provide nonporous films. These coatings provide excellent chemical resistance. In addition to low friction,
Teflon™ FEP coatings have excellent nonstick coating properties. Maximum use temperature is 204°C/400°F. Teflon™ FEP coatings are available in water-based liquid and powder forms. Teflon™
532G-8110 - FEP Powder Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
856G-200 - FEP Liquid Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
856G-204 - FEP Liquid Topcoat - Green
铁氟龙™FEP涂层FEP(氟化乙烯丙烯共聚物)不粘涂料在烘烤期间熔化并流动以提供无孔薄膜。 这些涂料提供优异的耐化学性。 除了低摩擦,特氟隆™FEP涂层还具有出色的不粘涂层性能。 最高使用温度是204°C / 400°F。 铁氟龙™FEP涂层可以以水基液体和粉末形式提供。铁氟龙™532G-8110 - FEP粉末面漆 - 清晰特氟龙™856G-200 - FEP液体面漆 - 清澈铁氟龙™856G-204 - FEP液体面漆 - 绿色Teflon™ PFA Coatings
Like FEP, PFA (perfluoroalkoxy) nonstick coatings melt and flow during baking to provide nonporous films.Teflon™ PFA coatings offer the additional benefits of higher continuous use temperature (260°C/500°F), greater toughness than Teflon™ PTFE or Teflon™FEP, and some Teflon™ PFA coatings can have film thicknesses of up to 1,000 micrometers (40 mils). This combination of properties makes Teflon™ PFA an excellent choice for a wide variety of uses, especially those involving chemical resistance. Teflon™ PFA protective coatings are available in both water-based liquid and powder forms. Teflon™
MJ-501 - PFA High Build Powder Topcoat - Tan Teflon™
532G-5010 - PFA Powder Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
532G-5011 - PFA Fine Particle Size Powder Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
532G-5310 - PFA High Molecular Weight Powder Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
532G-7000 - PFA Powder Topcoat - Sparkling Clear Teflon™
532G-7410 - PFA High Molecular Weight Powder Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
532G-13032 - PFA Reinforced Powder Topcoat - Grey Teflon™
532G-13054 - PFA Permeation Resistant Powder Topcoat - Ruby Red Teflon™
858G-210 - PFA High Build Liquid Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
858G-917 - PFA Permeation Resistant Liquid Topcoat - Ruby Red
铁氟龙™PFA涂层与FEP一样,PFA(全氟烷氧基)不粘涂料在烘烤期间熔化并流动以提供无孔膜。 Teflon™PFA涂层提供了更高的连续使用温度(260°C / 500°F),比Teflon™PTFE或Teflon™FEP更高的韧性,以及一些Teflon™PFA涂层的薄膜厚度可高达1,000微米40密耳)。这种性能组合使得特氟龙™PFA成为各种用途的最佳选择,特别是那些涉及耐化学性的用途。 Teflon™PFA保护涂层可以以水基液体和粉末两种形式提供。铁氟龙™MJ-501 - PFA厚涂粉末面漆 - Tan铁氟龙™532G-5010 - PFA粉末面漆 - 透明铁氟龙™532G-5011 - PFA细颗粒粉末面漆 - 透明铁氟龙™532G-5310 - PFA高分子量粉末面漆 - 透明铁氟龙™532G-7000 - PFA粉末面漆 - 闪点透明铁氟龙™532G-7410 - PFA高分子量粉末面漆 - 透明铁氟龙™532G-13032 - PFA增强粉末面漆 - 灰色铁氟龙™532G-13054 - PFA抗渗透粉末面漆 - 红宝石红铁氟龙™858G-210 - PFA高效液体面漆 - 透明铁氟龙™858G-917 - PFA抗渗透液体面漆 - 红宝石红TEFLON™ ETFE Coatings
ETFE is a copolymer of ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene and is also sold under the Tefzel® trademark. Although not fully fluorinated,
Tefzel® ETFE has excellent chemical resistance and can operate continuously at 149°C/300°F. This resin is the toughest of the fluoropolymer coatings and can be applied at film builds up to 2,000 micrometers (80 mils) to provide a highly durable protective coating. ETFE is available in powder form. Teflon™
532-6118 - ETFE Permeation Resistant Powder Topcoat - Beige Teflon™
532-6200 - ETFE Ultrasmooth Powder Topcoat - White Teflon™
532-6210 - ETFE Ultrasmooth Powder Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
532-6310 - ETFE High Build Powder Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
532-6314 - ETFE High Build Powder Topcoat - Green Teflon™
532-6405 - ETFE Powder Primer - Green Teflon™
532-6410 - ETFE Super High Build Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
699-205 - ETFE Permeation Resistant Liquid Topcoat - Pearl
TEFLON™ETFE涂料ETFE是乙烯和四氟乙烯的共聚物,也以Tefzel®商标出售。 尽管未完全氟化,但Tefzel®ETFE具有优异的耐化学性,可在149°C / 300°F下连续运行。 这种树脂是含氟聚合物涂层中最坚硬的,可以在高达2000微米(80密耳)的薄膜上施加,以提供高度耐用的保护涂层。 ETFE以粉末形式提供。铁氟龙™532-6118 - ETFE抗渗透粉末面漆 - 米色铁氟龙™532-6200 - ETFE超光滑粉末面漆 - 白色铁氟龙™532-6210 - ETFE超光滑粉末面漆 - 透明铁氟龙™532-6310 - ETFE厚涂粉末面漆 - 透明铁氟龙™532-6314 - ETFE厚涂粉末面漆 - 绿色Teflon™532-6405 - ETFE粉末底漆 - 绿色铁氟龙™532-6410 - ETFE超厚涂面漆 - 清澈铁氟龙™699-205 - ETFE抗渗透液体面漆 - 珍珠白Teflon™ One Coat Systems
These solvent-based liquid coatings are formulated with special blends of fluoropolymers and other high-performance resins to improve the toughness and abrasion resistance of these protective coatings. Because the film components stratify during baking, most of the fluoropolymer properties (such as low friction and nonstick coating characteristics) are retained. The resins provide adhesion and abrasion resistance. TheseTeflon™ products can sometimes be applied to smooth, clean metal. Bake requirements vary, depending on the specific coating from 325F to 600F.
420G-104 - PTFE Liquid FDA One Coat - Gray Teflon™
420G-109 - PTFE Liquid FDA One Coat - Sparkling Black Teflon™
420G-129 - PTFE Liquid FDA One Coat - Black Teflon™
532-1003 - FEP Powder One Coat - Black Teflon™
856G-114 - FEP Liquid One Coat Conductive - Green Teflon™
857G-018 - PTFE Liquid One Coat - Blue Teflon™
857G-508 - PTFE Liquid One Coat - Red Teflon™
857G-519 - PTFE Liquid One Coat - Black Teflon™
857G-575 - PTFE Liquid One Coat - Yellow Teflon™
954G-300 - FEP Liquid One Coat - Clear Teflon™
954G-303 - FEP Liquid One Coat - Black Teflon™
954G-304 - FEP Liquid One Coat - Green Teflon™
958G-203 - FEP Liquid One Coat - Black Teflon™
958G-303 - PTFE Liquid One Coat - Black Teflon™
958G-313 - PTFE Reinforced Liquid One Coat - Black Teflon™
958G-406 - PTFE Reinforced Liquid One Coat - Black Teflon™
958G-414 - PTFE Reinforced Liquid One Coat - Green Teflon™
959G-203 - FEP Liquid One Coat - Black Teflon™
959G-204 - FEP Liquid One Coat - Green Teflon™
959G-205 - FEP LiquidOne Coat - Brown
铁氟龙™一涂层系统这些溶剂型液体涂料由含氟聚合物和其他高性能树脂的特殊混合物配制,以改善这些保护涂层的韧性和耐磨性。由于在烘烤过程中膜组分层化,大部分含氟聚合物性质(例如低摩擦和不粘涂层特性)被保留。树脂提供了附着力和耐磨性。这些Teflon™产品有时可用于光滑,清洁的金属。烘烤要求根据从325F到600F的特定涂层而有所不同。Teflon™420G-104 - PTFE液体FDA单层涂料 - 灰色Teflon™420G-109 - PTFE液体FDA单层 涂料- 闪光的黑色铁氟龙™420G-129 - PTFE液体FDA单层涂层 - 黑色铁氟龙™532-1003 - FEP粉末一件外套 - 黑色Teflon™856G-114 - FEP液体单层导电涂料 - Green铁氟龙™857G-018 - 聚四氟乙烯液体涂层 - 蓝色铁氟龙™857G-508 - PTFE液体涂层 - 红色铁氟龙™857G-519 - 聚四氟乙烯液体涂层 - 黑色特氟龙™857G-575 - 聚四氟乙烯液体涂层 - 黄色Teflon™954G-300 - FEP Liquid One Coat - 透明Teflon™954G-303 - FEP Liquid One Coat - 黑色Teflon™954G-304 - FEP Liquid One Coat - 绿色铁氟龙™958G-203 - FEP液体单层涂料 - 黑色铁氟龙™958G-303 - 聚四氟乙烯液体涂层 - 黑色Teflon™958G-313 - 聚四氟乙烯增强液体涂层 - 黑色铁氟龙™958G-406 - 聚四氟乙烯增强液体涂层 - 黑色铁氟龙™958G-414 - 聚四氟乙烯增强液体涂层 - 绿色Teflon™959G-203 - FEP液体单层涂料 - 黑色Teflon™959G-204 - FEP液体单层涂料 - 绿色铁氟龙™959G-205 - FEP液体单层涂层 - 棕色Teflon™ Specialty Systems
These aqueous-based dispersions are specially blended multi-coat systems of
Teflon™ PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), Teflon™FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene copolymer), and Teflon™ PFA (perfluoroalkoxy) to optimize performance characteristics through material synergy. Formulations are available with internal reinforcement materials in the coating matrix to increase abrasion resistance and extend service life. Teflon™
857G-030 - Liquid Primer - Black Teflon™
857G-230 - Liquid Topcoat - Black Teflon™
855G-021 - Liquid Primer - Blue Teflon™
857G-130 - Liquid Midcoat - Pewter Teflon™
857G-135 - Liquid Midcoat - Black Teflon™
857G -240 - Liquid Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
857G-040 - Liquid Primer - Black Teflon™
857G-140 - Liquid Primer - Black Teflon™
857G-240 - Liquid Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
953G-401 - FEP Liquid Topcoat - Clear Teflon™
953G-506 - FEP Liquid Primer - Violet
铁氟龙™专业系统这些水基分散体是特氟龙PTFE(聚四氟乙烯),特氟龙™FEP(氟化乙烯丙烯共聚物)和特氟隆™PFA(全氟烷氧基)的特殊混合多层体系,通过材料协同作用优化性能特性。 在涂层基质中可以使用配方中的内部增强材料,以增加耐磨性并延长使用寿命。铁氟龙™857G-030 - 液体底漆 - 黑色铁氟龙™857G-230 - 液体面漆 - 黑色Teflon™855G-021 - 液体底漆 - 蓝色Teflon™857G-130 - 液体中涂 - 锡色特氟龙™857G-135 - 液体中涂 - 黑色铁氟龙™857G -240 - 液体面漆 - 透明铁氟龙™857G-040 - 液体底漆 - 黑色铁氟龙™857G-140 - 液体底漆 - 黑色铁氟龙™857G-240 - 液体面漆 - 透明铁氟龙™953G-401 - FEP液体面漆 - 透明Teflon™953G-506 - FEP液体底漆 - 紫罗兰色Teflon™ Primers
primers are an effective way to prepare a surface before the coating is applied. Primers ensure proper adhesion, increase durability, and give additional protection to the substrate. With the use of our primers, the coating is given a smooth surface to bind to, which creates a more protective layer. This additional layer decreases porosity of the coating to the substrate. PrimerFDACarrierPTFEPFAFEPETFETeflon™ 420G-703 - BlackYesSolvent ✓✓ Teflon™ 420G-717 - RedYesSolvent ✓✓ Teflon™ 857G-030 - BlackYesWater✓✓✓ Teflon™ 855G-021 - BlueYesWater✓✓✓ Teflon™ 857G-040 - BlackYesWater✓✓✓ Teflon™ 699N-129 - BlackYesWater ✓Teflon™ 850G-314 - GreenNoWater/Acid✓✓✓ Teflon™ 850G-321 - GrayNoWater/Acid✓✓✓ Teflon™ 850G-204 - GreenNoWater/Acid✓✓✓ Teflon™ 857G-100 - BlackYesWater✓✓✓ Teflon™ 959G-203 - BlackYesSolvent ✓✓ Teflon™ 959G-204 - GreenNoSolvent ✓✓ Teflon™ 959G-205 - BrownYesSolvent ✓✓ Teflon™ 532G-42551 - BlackYesPowder ✓✓ Teflon™ 532-6405 - GreenNoPowder ✓
铁氟龙™引物 Teflon™底漆是涂覆前涂布表面的有效方法。底漆确保适当的粘附性,增加耐用性,并为基材提供额外的保护。通过使用我们的底漆,涂层被赋予光滑的表面以粘合,从而形成更多的保护层。该附加层降低了涂层对基材的孔隙率。底漆FDA 材质 可搭配面漆 PTFE PFA FEP ETFE 铁氟龙™420G-703 - 黑色是 溶剂 ✓ ✓ Teflon™420G-717 - 红色是 溶剂 ✓ ✓ 铁氟龙™857G-030 - 黑色是 水性 ✓ ✓ ✓ Teflon™855G-021 - 蓝色是 水性 ✓ ✓ ✓ 铁氟龙™857G-040 - 黑色是 水性 ✓ ✓ ✓ 铁氟龙™699N-129 - 黑色是 水性 ✓ Teflon™850G-314 - 绿色无 水/酸 ✓ ✓ ✓ 铁氟龙™850G-321 - 灰色无 水/酸 ✓ ✓ ✓ Teflon™850G-204 - 绿色无 水/酸 ✓ ✓ ✓ 铁氟龙™857G-100 - 黑色是 水性 ✓ ✓ ✓ Teflon™959G-203 - 黑色是 溶剂 ✓ ✓ Teflon™959G-204 - 绿色无 溶剂 ✓ ✓ Teflon™959G-205 - 棕色是 溶剂 ✓ ✓ 铁氟龙™532G-42551 - 黑色是 粉末 ✓ ✓ 铁氟龙™532-6405 - 绿色无 粉末
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