3MTM DyneonTM Fluoroplastic Powder PFA 6503PBZ is a fluorothermoplastic powder with excellent thermal stability characteristics, designed for use in thin film powder coatings. Typical applications include non-stick surfaces, chemical vessel and tank liners, electrical insulation and low friction applications.
Product Form and Packaging
Dyneon PFA 6503PBZ is supplied in powder form. Product is supplied in 50kg (110 lb.) quantities.
Storage and Material Handling
PFA 6503PBZ has an extended shelf life provided it
is stored in a clean, dry place in its original, unopened container. PFA 6503PBZ is hydrophobic, and generally does not require drying before processing unless high humidity conditions create surface moisture adsorption. Opened containers should be tightly resealed to prevent dust contamination from static charge accumulation and moisture ingress. Containers should be equilibrated to room temperature before opening. Best performance is achieved by sieving with a 60 mesh sieve prior to use.
This is a fluoroplastic material, so normal precautions observed with fluoroplastics should be followed. Before processing this product, be sure to read and follow all precautions and directions for use contained in the product label and the Material Safety Data Sheet. General handling/processing precautions include: (1) Process only in well-ventilated areas; (2) Do not smoke in areas contaminated with powder/residue from this product;
(3) Avoid eye contact; (4) After handling this product wash any contacted skin with soap and water. Potential hazards, including evolution of toxic vapors, can exist if processing occurs under excessively high temperature conditions. Appropriate local exhaust ventilation such as vapor extractor units should be installed above processing equipment. When cleaning processing equipment, do not burn off this product with an open flame or in a furnace
Food Contact/FDA Regulatory Status
This 3M product complies with 21 CFR 177.1550 (perfluorocarbon resins under paragraph (a)(2)) and may be used as coatings or component of a coating for articles intended for repeated food contact, subject to the provisions, including specifications, conditions of use, and limitations, if any, in this regulation.
3M makes no recommendation about the suitability of this 3M product in the user’s intended application. It is the user’s responsibility to determine whether its use of a 3M product in a particular application is suitable and will comply with applicable laws and regulations. As appropriate, the user is also responsible for testing its finished product(s) made with 3M products to ensure compliance with any applicable specifications, conditions of use, and limitations (including extractives limitations) under applicable laws and regulations such as 21. C.F.R. 177.1550.
3MTM DyneonTM氟塑料粉末PFA 6503PBZ是一种具有优异热稳定性的氟热塑性粉末,设计用于薄膜粉末涂料。典型应用包括不粘表面,化学容器和油箱衬里,电绝缘和低摩擦应用。
Dyneon PFA 6503PBZ以粉末形式供应。产品以50千克(110磅)的数量供应。
PFA 6503PBZ具有延长的保质期
存放在干净,干燥的地方,放在原始未开封的容器中。 PFA 6503PBZ是疏水性的,通常在加工前不需要干燥,除非高湿度条件产生表面水分吸附。打开的容器应密封,以防止灰尘污染静电积累和水分进入。容器应在打开前平衡至室温。使用前用60目筛子筛分可获得最佳性能。
这是一种氟塑料材料,因此应遵循氟塑料的常规预防措施。在处理本产品之前,请务必阅读并遵守产品标签和材料安全数据表中包含的所有使用注意事项和使用说明。一般处理/处理预防措施包括:(1)仅在通风良好的区域进行处理; (2)不要在本产品粉末/残留物污染的区域吸烟;
(3)避免目光接触; (4)处理完本品后,用肥皂和水清洗任何接触过的皮肤。如果在过高的温度条件下进行处理,则可能存在潜在的危害,包括有毒蒸气的释放。应在加工设备上方安装适当的局部排气通风设备,如蒸汽提取装置。清洁加工设备时,请勿用明火或炉子烧掉本产品
食品接触/ FDA监管状态
该3M产品符合21 CFR 177.1550(根据(a)(2)段的全氟碳树脂),可用作重复食品接触物品的涂料或涂料组分,但须符合规定,包括规格,使用条件,以及本条例中的限制(如果有的话)。
3M未就此3M产品在用户预期应用中的适用性提出建议。用户有责任确定在特定应用中使用3M产品是否合适并且是否符合适用的法律法规。在适当的情况下,用户还有责任测试其使用3M产品制造的成品,以确保符合适用法律和法规(如21. C.F.R.)中的任何适用规范,使用条件和限制(包括采掘限制)。 177.1550。